The Genealogy Fairy Grant Program


BYU Family History students:  Did you know there was a Genealogy Fairy?…and that he/she gives out grants!?!  Check it out: The Genealogy Fairy Program

The Genealogy Fairy™ grants are open to all genealogical and historical organizations, especially non-profits, and to individual genealogists who seek to fund specific projects related to genealogy and family history. Examples include:

  • Indexing projects or record preservation efforts led by organizations and/or individuals.
  • Genealogy society events such as workshops, conferences, and webinars.
  • Business and entrepreneurial launches, especially genealogy-related startups.
  • Publishing projects for organizations and individuals.
  • Continuing education for individuals in order to build specific skill sets. This includes attending a genealogical conference, application fees for certification, etc.

2 thoughts on “The Genealogy Fairy Grant Program

  1. Pingback: Fairy Great-Great-Great-Godmother | FHSS Blog

  2. Pingback: Fairy Great-Great-Great-Godmother: The Genealogy Fairy | FHSS Blog

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